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Writer's pictureJessica Balistreri

Happy Gut Gummies Recipe

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Unhealthy gut = unhealthy human; healthy gut = healthy human! Gut health is something so many people are unaware of. For a lot of us, the word gut is associated with a conscience, or maybe with a chubby tummy, but beyond that I think many of us are clueless as to what it is or what it does. It’s pretty nuts when you consider that our gut controls the health of our entire body! It’s responsible for our immune system, our mental health, our physical health, hormone balance, skin health, toxin waste and elimination, and so much more.

So What Exactly Is a “Gut?”

The balance of microorganisms that live in our digestive tract is what constitutes “gut health”. These microorganisms help us digest our food and protect us against other living organisms that enter our bodies, and may potentially harm us. If these microorganisms get out of balance, we are no longer able to digest our food as well, which can lead to a sea of problems.

What Happens When My Gut is Out of Balance?

You may notice a range of symptoms, including:


-unexplained changes in weight

-sleep disturbances

-constant fatigue

-skin irritation

-food intolerance

-gas or diarrhea

-sugar cravings

-bad breath

-moodiness, anxiety, depression

Just to name a few! When one fails to nurture their gut, they can get something called “leaky gut”. This happens when the gut lining becomes damaged, even torn, and allows food that has not been fully digested, including bacteria and toxins, to leak through our intestines and into our bloodstreams. If not prevented or treated in time, this can lead to serious health problems including auto-immune disorders, as the body begins to attack the harmful foreign particles in the bloodstream. Sounds extreme, but this is common. Many of us live with illnesses that stem from poor gut health, so it is important to pay attention to this to prevent, or at minimum ease severity of illness and disease.

Many of us live with these symptoms having no idea that a tune up to our gut health would heavily alleviate many of these issues! Before I became serious about what I put in my body I was living with pretty severe anxiety. I did a good job managing it (or masking it really), but it was always lingering in the background, and sometimes would lead to full-blown panic attacks. Often I would get them after a night of drinking, which is an activity that though fun, is not so friendly to our gut. As I got older, and became more interested and educated on inflammation, gut health, healthy eating, etc. I really cleaned up my diet and lifestyle patterns. Guess what happened? My anxiety disorder is nearly non-existent these days! The things we put into our bodies are POWERFUL! Little changes can lead to colossal improvements, and I’m living, breathing proof. I could list off a solid stream of things that have improved since I cleaned up my eating habits and began nurturing my gut health. I’ll give you the short list: my acne cleared up, my skin glows, my tummy is flat (even when I put on a few extra pounds is doesn’t protrude), my anxiety and depression have been massively relieved, and my overall happiness is enhanced. I may do an entire blog post about how much my life has changed since I began to care about my gut health. BUT, until then I will share with you a fun recipe to help you improve your gut!

How Do I Improve My Gut Health?

Today I’m going to show you how to make “Happy Gut Gummies”, and I would like to quickly share with you why I chose them! There are a number of changes one can make to heal their gut:

-Eat whole foods

-Eat fermented foods

-Consume probiotics

-Exercise regularly

-Get quality sleep

-Eliminate foods that feed bad gut microorganisms (an elimination diet is a great route to take to find your triggers)

-Eat more fiber

-Consume collagen

These gummies are a collagen rich, healthy way to heal our gut. It is said that collagen is an essential component and key supplement to maintaining a healthy gut, or even healing and unhealthy one. So, before we jump into this recipe I’m going to leave you with a list of collagen health benefits:

-can improve skin

-relive joint pain

-prevent bone loss

-boost muscle mass

-promote heart health

We have just seen the tip of the iceberg here. There is so much to know about gut health, but I tried to summarize it short and sweet for you. All of the recipes here shared from “Abundance is a Dish Best Served Warm” are gut friendly, and this one in particular is said to be a gut healer :) So let’s dive in and live our best lives!

(Please note: This information is due to research I have done from books and online articles and pages. I am not a doctor, and if you are struggling with serious illness you should seek professional help from a physician. There is no single food that will cure you. Good health comes from a variety of nutrient rich foods and exercise.)


-Heat gelatin in a nonstick pot

-Rinse immediately with hot water or wait until the leftover gelatin has dried completely and then peel off (either of these will make cleanup quick and easy).

-If using different dishes to separate out gelatin for different colors pre-line the dishes with parchment.

  • I used a rubber band to hold my parchment in place

  • drop a few dots of natural food color into each dish

  • scoop in some gelatin and stir the color until desired effect is reached

-Use a dropper to fill your molds

-If the gelatin begins to set while you're still working you can microwave it five seconds at a time until its runny again

-If your gelatin is too clumpy to smooth out you can strain it.

  • Higher quality grass-fed gelatin the better for this reason! Read the reviews if you can as their will likely reviews indicating if it's a particularly clumpy gelatin.

-You can find many grass fed gelatin options on amazon (DO NOT USE THE CHEAP STORE BOUGHT BOX KIND. It will not have the same gut health benefits).

-I bought my molds on amazon. There are tons of fun patterns to choose from! Mine included these droppers as well.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ― Buddha.

Abundance is coming :)

All My Love,


IG: @abundanceisbestservedwarm (click IG icon at the bottom of the page to navigate to my IG page!)


Happy Gut Gummies Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Set Time: 10 mins

Total Time: 20 mins

Yield: About 1 Cup of Gummies


1/2 cup 100% juice (not from concentrate)

Juice of 1 lemon

1/4 cup raw honey

4 tbsp grass-fed gelatin

Optional: arrowroot starch


  1. Add your juice of choice, juice of one lemon, and honey into a small sauce pan and heat over medium high heat.

  2. Heat until steaming, but not boiling. If it begins to boil let it cool until it is steaming only.

  3. Slowly mix in your gelatin one tbsp at a time, breaking up any clumps as you go. (if you are struggling with a particularly clumpy gelatin be sure to read the tips I noted above this recipe).

  4. If you aren't coloring the gummies with different colors you can fill your dropper or baster and begin to fill you gelatin molds at this time. If you are not using mold you can pour a thin 3/4 inch layer into a glass dish.

  5. Place your gummies in the refrigerator for them to set. This should only take about 10 mins if you're using small shaped molds, or longer if you're using a dish.

  6. Once your gummies have set you can pop them out of their molds and you're good to go! If you used a dish, remove your gelatin from the dish and cut into small squares.

  7. This step is optional: If you would like, you can dust them lightly with a brush with arrowroot starch to remove any stickiness.

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